Mikey Jackson. Writer - scriptwriter - novelist. British writer of novels, TV scripts, film screenplays, radio scripts, stage plays, short stories and comedy sketches.
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My video comedy sketches...

Check out examples of my work below. Want to offer me a proposal? Then please get in touch

Facebook Street
From the sketch show Three Men & A Lady

Coffee Shop
From the sketch show Three Men & A Lady
This sketch has had 1.5 million views on YouTube.

Britain's Got Talent
Produced by Digimania & CoFilmic.
Winner of the Zubox TV & CoFilmic Comedy Sketch Contest.

We've Lost Your Husband
From the sketch show Three Men & A Lady

My audio comedy sketches...

Oh, look! Or rather listen.
Below are some radio and theatre sketches in old-fashioned audio. Click on the sketch titles to download the MP3 files to play on your device. Some browsers may play the MP3s straight from this website.

listen to sketch Politically Correct Police Interview
This sketch was runner-up in the BCG Pro Talent Award For Writing 2022.
Starring Greg Haiste and Holly Burn. Produced by Richard Cray and British Comedy Guide.

listen to sketch Real Life 3D
Performed by Newsjack (BBC)

listen to parody song Our House It Won't Sell
Performed by NewsRevue
listen to sketch Sex Education Class
Performed by Newsjack (BBC)

listen to sketch Politically Correct Mother
Performed by The Sam And Dave Show
listen to sketch DWP Fictional Characters Dept.
Performed by NewsRevue

listen to sketch Fish Out Of Water
Performed by Chuck Fresh